Guilty Plea in Manslaughter Case

The Edmonton Journal recently reported the case of Cordell Kennedy, who has pleaded guilty to manslaughter in connection with the death of Vanessa Silva.
Will van Engen Comments on “Noah’s Law” Proposal for New Law

Will van Engen, about “Noah’s Law” imposing mandatory minimums on repeat sexual offenders and public access to the sexual offender registry.
Judge Rules on Whether Accused Must Remove Mask in Court

A judge has released a written decision explaining why he ordered a murder suspect to remove his COVID-19 mask during a recent trial.
Supreme Court Orders New Manslaughter Trial – R v Barton

The Supreme Court of Canada today released the groundbreaking decision in R v Barton. Mr. Barton was represented by Dino Bottos and Bottos Law Group at trial and on appeal.
“Barton is Profoundly Bad Law, Supreme Court Tested”

Writing in the Law Times on the recent Supreme Court of Canada hearing for R v Barton, Matthew Gourlay of Henein Hutchison LLP says the following: “Overturning the Court of Appeal and reinstating Barton’s acquittal would be politically unpopular. This will be a crucial test of the Supreme Court’s institutional integrity — one that we should all hope it does not fail to meet.”
First-Degree Murder Charges Stayed

Bottos Law Group is pleased to report that the first-degree murder charges against Mr. Philip Vanderwell were stayed by the Crown Prosecutors office, as there was “no reasonable likelihood of conviction” as reported in the Edmonton Journal on July 30, 2018. Mr. Vanderwell was represented by Dino Bottos.
Supreme Court of Canada Releases Decision in R v Suter

The Supreme Court of Canada today released their decision in R v Suter.
Bottos Law Group Files Supreme Court of Canada Factum in R v Barton

Bottos Law Group today filed the Defence/Appellant Factum in the Supreme Court of Canada Appeal of R v Barton.
Christina Longridge Found Not-Criminally-Responsible

A woman who admitted to killing her daughter while in the midst of a psychotic episode was found not criminally responsible for the death on Wednesday. Christine Longridge cried as Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Wayne Renke described Rachael Longridge’s death as a “catastrophe” after finding that the mother believed she had “moral authority” to […]
R v Suter – Bottos Law Group at the Supreme Court of Canada

On Oct. 11, 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada heard the appeal of R v Suter. Present were several members of the firm.
Leave to Appeal to the SCC Filed in R v Barton

On Sept. 26, 2017, Dino Bottos and the Bottos Law Group filed their application for Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada in R v Barton.
New Trial Ordered for Bradley Barton by the Alberta Court of Appeal

On Friday, June 30, 2017 the Alberta Court of Appeal published their decision in R v Barton. A panel of 3 Court of Appeal judges led by Chief Justice Catherine Fraser unanimously ruled that the jury acquittal of Bradley Barton should be overturned, and that matter should go back for a new trial on a charge of 1st Degree Murder.